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Adult Students


Transitioning from School to Work

We are a group of disability employment specialists that came together to provide meaningful employment services to youth with disabilities under the Pre-Employment-Transitions Services under WIOA. We are educated in the field and have more than 20 years of experience providing employment services to people with disabilities.
Our goal is to create an environment where the community is our client. We will work with the students and their schools as well as area employers and local governments to create meaningful paths to permanent employment and independence for youth with disabilities transitioning from school to the world of work.

About: About

WIOA was passed in 2014 and the implementation began in 2016. The law combines efforts of all agencies involved in providing services to the workforce. Be it training or direct placement into employment. Funds were directed from vocational rehabilitation for adults with disabilities to youth ages 14 - 22 with the intent to increase employment outcome for youth with disabilities.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

About: Quote
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Office: (901) 672-8308

Fax: 901-421-6117

6226 East Shelby Dr Memphis TN United States 38141


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